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Concepts of Digital Marketing

Beth Makin

Personal technology has jumped forward leaps and bounds in the last fifteen years and digital marketing has been born out of these advances. Tell me… did you check your emails this morning and get a digital newsletter from your favourite blog, see an ad on Facebook, read a Tweet from your favourite clothing store, do any of these activities on your phone? That is digital marketing!

In other words, one definition of digital marketing is the application of digital technologies to craft an integrated, targeted and measurable communication that is combined with traditional communications which aims to obtain and keep customers (Langan, Cowley, & Nguyen, 2019; Chaffey, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Another definition is a technology-enabled method where brands can collaborate with their target audience to jointly create and communicate (Kannan & Li, 2017). Now, digital marketing is not just about the content, it can represent building and maintaining brand awareness while growing connections with customers (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014).

"The application of digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives" - Khan, 2020

Now, I keep using the term digital technologies, but what do I actually mean. Well, digital technologies include the use of devices such as personal computers, tablets, and mobile phones to access consumers through platforms (Langan, Cowley, & Nguyen, 2019) such as internet, emails, social media, online ads, and search engine optimisation (Dent, 2020).

Some examples of digital marketing are:

The Airbnb Instagram page
A screenshot of Ad on Insta
An email I got from Flight Centre

Developing a good digital marketing strategy includes leveraging digital media, a.k.a the three main types of media channels: Paid media, Owned media, and Earned media (Langan, Cowley, & Nguyen, 2019; Chaffey, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Digital marketing may focus on all three or just one (Chaffey, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019; What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide, 2020). Businesses could miss out on opportunities if digital media is not leveraged properly (Langan, Cowley, & Nguyen, 2019).

Different types of Digital Media: Paid, Owned, and Earned

4 Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful and versatile marketing tool to have and has quite a few benefits:

1. Incredibly easy to measure it. While an obvious reason, being able to track your digital marketing strategies is extremely useful. Digital marketing allows you to keep track of how effective your marketing strategy is by allowing you to measure in real time what is happening with your posts. How many people have interacted with the post, and how many times has it been shared, along with many more analytics to help you carefully craft the most effective digital marketing campaign possible (What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide, 2020).

2. Cost effective. Digital marketing is cheaper than most traditional marketing. For example, digital marketing can allow small businesses to gain the attention of people that they may not otherwise have through traditional marketing that large businesses could afford. Overall, digital marketing can reach audiences of a business’s choice with minimal effort, whether it be for small businesses or large ones (What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide, 2020).

3. Audience. Digital marketing allows you to be as specific or as broad as you like with choosing an audience. This is a benefit that traditional marketing does not always allow you to have. Not only can digital marketing allow you to better target your audience, but it also allows you to tap into influencer marketing. The influencer market is big and this medium allows you to get into a specific market through a familiar face or mediator. It is no surprise that followers of influencers will follow the links that influencers provide (What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide, 2020).

4. Customers start their buying process on the internet. More and more customers are depending on the internet to research and buy items. A great digital marketing strategy means that you are the answer when people research products (What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide, 2020).

All of this accumulates into the 5D’s of Digital Marketing. Watch the video to learn more:


Airbnb Example

Airbnb is a huge player in the digital marketing world and have proved over and over again that they are the best. They revolutionised how people travel and can travel on a budget by not only offering accommodation but experiences though a consumer to consumer model. So let’s have a look at why they are the best.

1. Their website. Airbnb’s website is a large reason of their success (Al-Saad, 2019). Every time you go to their website they have changed the home page photo and this keeps the website fresh and interesting, but the layout of the website is also aesthetically pleasing, user friendly and somewhat personalised, whether you are on a laptop or your phone (Price, n.d.). Airbnb also insist on having professional photos taken of the properties listed on their site, as it has been proven that nicer photos drive sales (Al-Saad, 2019). Finally, the product pages themselves are full of interesting and useful information, done in an easy to read manner (Al-Saad, 2019).

Screenshot Airbnb Homepage 2020
Screenshot Airbnb homepage 2019

2. Airbnb Experiences. The addition of experiences was a great idea to further position themselves as a one stop shop for all your travel needs (Price, n.d.). Furthermore, boasting that Airbnb experiences are unique further drive interest as people love to try and do unique activities that they cannot find elsewhere (Price, n.d.). Now, you can use a hotel concierge or travel agent to help plan experiences, but it is super easy to select what activities you want to do on Airbnb (Price, n.d.). Especially for people who are anxious or socially awkward and do not like talking to other people, this is a great boon for them. Another fantastic move by Airbnb is creating online experiences (Airbnb, n.d.). This is great for the current climate of the world where people can still have experiences from the comfort of their own home. Did you know you can do a London Jack the Ripper Tour for just $17 from your lounge room!? I did not, but it is what I am doing this afternoon.

3. Email Marketing. Airbnb have multiple email marketing strategies that aim towards one of Airbnb’s objectives of being a one-stop-shop for organising holidays (Al-Saad, 2019). Every email Airbnb send you has the purpose of getting you back on their website and checking out. Airbnb use Browser abandonment sequence to encourage you to complete your purchase (Al-Saad, 2019). They use discounts of $200 to encourage users to become hosts. Included in booking confirmation emails, are further referrals where you get discounts if you get a friend to use Airbnb and other experiences you might like to buy (Al-Saad, 2019). Finally, they have stunning destination emails that that showcase what type of accommodation and experiences you could have through Airbnb (Al-Saad, 2019).

4. Community. Airbnb have a great community feel (Price, n.d.). Travellers get to know the hosts and vice versa by hosts sharing their homes and giving their guests suggestions, it’s pretty obvious why Airbnb has such a large community (Price, n.d.). A common compliment of Airbnb is “this is better than any hotel”, and thus the customer becomes a life-long client (Price, n.d.).

5. User Generated Content. The Airbnb community routinely post photos of their accommodations and experiences and hashtag #airbnb on social media sites (Price, n.d.). Airbnb also post pictures on their social media accounts that other users have posted to further the community feel. This allows people looking at destinations to see what others have experienced and not just what Airbnb’s marketing team want you to see (Price, n.d.).

Click on this link to look at an in-depth case study on Airbnb.



Airbnb. (n.d.). Online Experiences. Retrieved 15 August, 2020, from

Airbnb. [@airbnb]. (n.d.). Posts [Instagram Page]. Retrieved 14 August 2020, from

Al-Saad, T. (2019, May 28). Airbnb’s Growth Strategy: How they attract and retain 150 million users. Growth Manifesto.

Apple. [@Apple]. (2020, August 14). The process may be different, but the goal is the same. Never stop making [Tweet]. Twitter. https:/

Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. Pearson Education

Dent, J. (2020, May 2019). 58 Mind-Blowing Digital Marketing Stats You Need To Know. Campaign Monitor.

How To Do Digital Marketing. (2020, June 2). THE 5 Ds OF DIGITAL MARKETING - Learn them to get ahead! [Video]. YouTube.

Hungry Jacks. [@hungryjacksau]. (2020, August 14). Made fresh and ready when you need it most [Photograph]. Instagram.

Kannan, P. K., & Li, H. (2017). Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 22–45.

Khan, I. (2020). Unit 11424 Digital Marketing PG, lecture 1, week 1: Introducing digital marketing [PowerPoint slides].

Langan, R., Cowley, S., & Nguyen, C. (2019). The State of Digital Marketing in Academia: An Examination of Marketing Curriculum’s Response to Digital Disruption. Journal of Marketing Education, 41(1), 32–46.

Price, A. (n.d.). 5 Secrets to Airbnb’s Marketing Success. Annex Cloud Blog.

Tiago, M. T. P. M. B., & Veríssimo, J. M. C. (2014). Digital marketing and social media: Why bother? Business Horizons, 57(6), 703–708.

What is Digital Marketing: The ultimate Online Marketing guide. (2020, March 4). Rock Content Blog.



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